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LED Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'LED' - Total: 11 (1/1) Pages
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GAPTEC Electronic GmbH ...
LEDD10-24-A Datasheet pdf image
Constant current power LED driver - Wide Input - Non-Isolated & Regulated
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Constant current power LED driver - Wide Input - Non-Isolated & Regulated
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Constant current power LED Driver - Wide Input - Non-Isolated & Regulated
LEDD10-24-P Datasheet pdf image
Constant current power LED driver - Wide Input - Non-Isolated & Regulated
LEDD16 Datasheet pdf image
Constant current power LED driver - Wide Input - Non-Isolated & Regulated
LEDW10 Datasheet pdf image
Constant current power LED Driver - Wide Input - Non-Isolated & Regulated
LEDD24 Datasheet pdf image
Constant current power DIP24 LED Driver - Wide Input - Non-Isolated & Regulated
LEDW10-24-A Datasheet pdf image
Constant current power LED Driver with analogue dimming - Wide Input - Non-Isolated & Regulated
LEDW10-24-P Datasheet pdf image
Constant current power LED Driver with PWM dimming - Wide Input - Non-Isolated & Regulated
LEDD24-24-P Datasheet pdf image
Constant current power DIP24 LED Driver with PWM dimming - Wide Input - Non-Isolated & Regulated
LEDD24-24-A Datasheet pdf image
Constant current power DIP24 LED Driver with analogue dimming - Wide Input - Non-Isolated & Regulated



What is LED

An LED (light-emitting diode) is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current is passed through it.

LEDs are typically made from a material called gallium nitride (GaN) and can be used for a wide range of applications such as indicator lights, displays, and lighting.

They are known for their long life, low power consumption, and fast switching.

LEDs come in a variety of colors, including red, green, blue, and white. Additionally, they are also widely used in electronic devices such as smartphones, televisions, and computers, and in automotive and industrial applications such as traffic signals and streetlights.

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