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LAMP Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'LAMP' - Total: 6 (1/1) Pages
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Company Logo Img
NXP Semiconductors
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What is LAMP

A lamp is an electronic component that generates light using electrical energy.

They are generally used in light bulbs or lights, and operate using electrical energy.

There are several types of lamps, and in general, there are three-color LEDs, fluorescent lamps, mercury lamps, sodium lamps, mercury vapor lamps, halogen lamps, and sodium lamps.

Each lamp works in a different way. For example, fluorescent lamps use gas discharge to generate light, and halogen lamps use heat to generate light.

Lamps generally have high efficiency, long life, and offer a wide range of colors and brightness.

These features are widely used in the field of lighting.

In addition, using low-power lamps can reduce power consumption and realize environmentally friendly lighting.

However, recently, with the development of semiconductor technology such as LED, LED lighting is becoming the mainstream as a substitute for lamps.

LED consumes less power, has higher luminous efficiency, and has less loss due to less heat generation.

In addition, it offers a variety of colors and brightness, and is economical with high durability and longevity.

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