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VDC Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'VDC' - Total: 8044 (1/403) Pages
ManufacturerPart #DatasheetDescription
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Bel Fuse Inc.
VRP3-60E1A0 Datasheet pdf image
5 Vdc - 13.8 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5.0 Vdc/60 A Output
SLIN-12F1AX Datasheet pdf image
2.4 Vdc - 5.5 Vdc Input, 0.6 Vdc - 3.63 Vdc /12 A Output
SLAN-12D2AX Datasheet pdf image
3 Vdc - 14.4 Vdc Input, 0.6 Vdc - 5.5 Vdc /12 A Outputs
VRNE-60ED Datasheet pdf image
6 VDC ??13.8 VDC Input 0.6 VDC ??2.0 VDC /30 A Output
SLIN-30E1AX Datasheet pdf image
6.0 Vdc - 14 Vdc Input, 0.8 Vdc - 2.75 Vdc /30 A Outputs
SLIN-12F2AX Datasheet pdf image
2.4 Vdc - 5.5 Vdc Input, 0.6 Vdc - 3.63 Vdc /12 A Output
SLIN-20F1AX Datasheet pdf image
2.4 Vdc - 5.5 Vdc Input, 0.6 Vdc - 3.63 Vdc /20 A Output
SLAN-20D1AX Datasheet pdf image
3 Vdc ??14.4 Vdc Input, 0.6 Vdc - 5.5 Vdc /20 A Outputs
SRBC-16E4AX Datasheet pdf image
4.5 Vdc - 14 Vdc Input 0.75 Vdc - 3.63 Vdc/16 A Output
SLAN-06D2AX Datasheet pdf image
3 Vdc ??14.4 Vdc Input, 0.6 Vdc - 5.5 Vdc /6 A Outputs
VRBG-30A1A0 Datasheet pdf image
8 Vdc - 14 Vdc Input 0.8 Vdc - 3.63 Vdc / 30 A Outputs
SRPE-02E1A0 Datasheet pdf image
5.5 Vdc - 13.2 Vdc Input 0.6 Vdc - 5.5 Vdc / 1.5 A Output
SLDN-03D1AX Datasheet pdf image
3 VDC ??14.4 VDC Input,
VRNE-40E1A0 Datasheet pdf image
7.5 VDC ??13.5 VDC Input
XRBH-03HXX0 Datasheet pdf image
9 VDC ??36 VDC Input
0RRE-32S10R Datasheet pdf image
38 VDC - 55 VDC Input
Company Logo Img
Lineage Power Corporati...
JPW200S52R51-BH Datasheet pdf image
38 Vdc - 75 Vdc Input, 52.5 Vdc Output; 200W
Company Logo Img
SL Power Electronics
DCD40_DS Datasheet pdf image
DCD models: 24 Vdc, 18-32 Vdc; DCG models: 48 Vdc, 36-72 Vdc
Company Logo Img
List of Unclassifed Man...
MPC-X-12 Datasheet pdf image
5 VDC and 짹12 VDC or 짹15 VDC Regulated Power
MPL-6-12 Datasheet pdf image
5 VDC and 짹12 VDC or 짹15 VDC Regulated Power

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>

1 2 3 4 5 > >>

What is VDC

Vdc is one of the units representing voltage.

'V' is an abbreviation for voltage, and 'dc' means direct current.

So, Vdc represents direct current voltage.

In electronic components, Vdc is one of the parameters that indicates the voltage required for that component to operate.

For example, a power supply usually outputs a DC voltage, so if the Vdc is 12V, the device will output a DC voltage of 12V.

Vdc is one of the important factors that determine the performance of electronic components.

For example, in the case of a DC motor, the performance of the motor is determined by the DC voltage input.

Therefore, Vdc directly affects the rotational speed, power and efficiency of the motor.

In electronics, Vdc is commonly used to indicate the maximum operating voltage or minimum/maximum input voltage range.

Therefore, when selecting electronic components, consider the Vdc value and choose within the voltage range in which the component can operate properly.

*This information is for general informational purposes only, we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the above information.

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